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Ruth James

As experience senior healthcare architect Ruth has worked on a varying size and scale of project including; diagnostic imaging, emergency departments including mental health assessment units, theatres, including hybrid theatres, critical care, paediatrics, ward refurbishments including private maternity,  outpatient clinics and main entrance departments. She has an extremely strong track record of delivering complex projects, with multiple client/stakeholders, over an extended period in existing live hospitals, including listed buildings. From initial briefing and stakeholder engagement to site delivery, Ruth has extensive experience of all project stages.   Passionate about collaborating with people and problem solving to maximize efficiencies and quality, Ruth greatly enjoys working and delivering projects and has successfully learnt to combine design quality with pragmatic solutions.  Ruth has extensive knowledge of NHS healthcare policies, guidelines and approaches for planning and developing a hospital estate.

Ruth has also been working to complete her Healthcare Facilities MSc at UCL over the last 12 months and with her daughter Felix and her cat Nemo lives in Bayswater central London and likes nothing better than cycling around and exploring her beloved London Zone 1 accept perhaps when there an opportunity of visiting another capital city or flying to a sunny location!